Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trip 2: Day 1: The Beginning

Paul and I met up in Northwest Houston a little before noon on Good Friday to start our trip.  We grabbed some lunch and hit the road.  It was a (relatively) short day, taking a detour down Doebbler Road on the way to Fredericksburg to stay with Paul's family.

It was nice to meet Paul's family and join them for a great dinner.  We all went to a music/comedy show in Fredericksburg for a little fun before Paul and I turned in for some sleep.

All in all, we had some nice weather and a nice and easy start to the trip.

Trip stats: 238 miles in 6 hours 25 mins on the road


  1. Hey, hey nice picture! Sounds like a lot of fun, looking forward to hearing more.

    Miss you! Hi Paul!!1

  2. We have a Road!!! And you're on it! :)
    Thanks for the phone call.
