Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trip 2: Day 2: On the Road to Big Bend

We got on the road after a big breakfast and nice sendoff from Paul's family.  We headed southwest through the Hill Country of Texas with some great scenery and nice (but bordering on hot) weather.  We went a little out of the way to ride one of the best motorcycle rides in Texas, the Three Sisters, and then continued making our way towards Big Bend.

Here are a few photos from the road:

We made it to Big Bend National Park just before dark.  The ride into the Chisos Basin to our camp site was fun thanks to some nice twisty roads through a pass into the basin. After a nice dinner at a restaurant in the park, we made camp in the dark and rested up for the following day.

Trip stats: 490 miles in 11 hours 34 minutes on the road


  1. Camp in the dark? Now don't start that again! Right now the tracker says you are in Apache Junction! I have family out there and I hope you are seeing some of the house scenery because that is probably one of the most interesting places for that. There will be a giant mansion built next to a trailer decorated like a mini golf place. It's funny (to me). Get some fry bread too while you are on this trip!

  2. Yay! You're at the Grand Canyon! Can't believe how far you guys travel each day, especially since its the scenic route. Hope its an awesome trip!!! Can't wait to see MORE pictures!!

  3. Thanks for the comments everyone, the past couple of days have been pretty hard and internet access has been limited. I haven't really had time for both posting and sleeping, but hopefully tomorrow will be a little easier and I should have wifi at the end of the day.

  4. I see you are in Pecos!!! That's where I was born! I moved away when I was in the 2nd grade. They have the BEST cantelopes! Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about your trip! Tess and Callie say hi!
